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 Evony - General Idea of the game

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Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-03-07
Age : 39

Evony - General Idea of the game Empty
PostSubject: Evony - General Idea of the game   Evony - General Idea of the game EmptySun Mar 14, 2010 6:21 pm

Evony ... It's not a game you can beat ... Its a game where you have to Lvl up, make buildings, lvl up the buildings ect ... ( sort of like warefare ... but takes a lot longer )

Once you start knowing how to play, its quite addictive...

Click that to make an account and start playing ...

Once you make an account, and your in game, simply look at the bottom left corner , you will see a quest icon, try and do those quests ... When you complete one, click get reward . Continue this until you get a basic understanding of the game, then you can do pretty much anything you want ... but the quests are basicly what you want to complete .

P.S : on the top left corner there is a very small icon that has a gift on it, click it and you will see a newbie package , click "claim it" to get the newbies package.

If there is any questions regarding the game, just ask
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